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Are You Ready To Do Something BIGGER?

What if you could make a living by making a difference? Would you? Do you want to?


Are you ready to start getting paid to follow your purpose and passion and talk about what you love to do, while helping others?


Are you passionate about making a difference in people's lives, and you want to turn your knowledge and experience into a business that lets you have ultimate freedom, increase your income, and do the work you're meant to do 


Do you find that you're always helping others become successful, and you're asking yourself "When is it my time?


Are you afraid that if you don't take action soon, you're going to be stuck in the same place, making the same money, and doing the exact same things you've always done for the rest of your life?


Do you desire a life of freedom, doing work you love, feeling appreciated for what you do, and reaching your highest potential?


Are you ready to invest monetarily in yourself and receive coaching and support so you can stop trying to “figure it out” and finally reach your online business goals?











And I remember exactly what it feels like to be living in the world, not doing work that you truly love.


I know what it’s like to lack purpose and money…. to be bored out of your mind at a unfulfilling job… and to know deep in your heart that you are made for more.


That tiny voice inside telling you that you were made for greatness — telling you that you could have, do and be more — it’s telling you the truth.


And it’s time you listen.


Here's the thing...

You want to turn your purpose into a profitable business...


And... you want to be paid – and be paid well – for your work.

I know you do.

But, you have no idea where to start and you need the steps and someone to show you how.


That's where I come in!

I know how it feels.


You’ve thought about it…the question keeps echoing in your mind: Is there more to life than this?


The question keeps echoing in your mind. You feel this way because you are following the script that you’ve been given for life. The script we’re all given. You know the one–it goes something like this:


  1. Go to school, get good grades

  2. Go to college, get your degree

  3. Get a great job

  4. Make good money

  5. Get the spouse

  6. Get the house

  7. Have kids

  8. Send them to college

  9. Retire


I was in the middle of the script, in fact, two kids deep into it. I had a comfortable corporate career, a great marriage and a beautiful house.


In 2012, I received confirmation of my calling to be a coach. I tried to carry it out in my corporate career, and I ended up being rejected twice. This devastated me. Because of so, I ended up giving up on my calling for 4 years to follow, until one day, in 2016, God spoke to me and told me I was thinking too small about what I was called to do. You see, I kept looking for my corporate career to confirm my calling as a coach, but God wanted me to step outside of the comfort zone of my 9-5 and create my own coaching business so I could make an impact on the lives of women GLOBALLY.


The corporate career that I had helped other companies, but it didn’t allow me to make a difference in people’s lives. That was my nudge…to step into my purpose to help others live and fulfill their purpose.


When you boldly step into your purpose–your mission…amazing things happen. Inexplicable things. I have not only seen this in my own life but I get to see it happen every day for my clients.


Think about it: you stepping into your purpose could be the answer to someone else’s prayer.


It’s a beautiful thing when a business and a purpose come together!

Then you landed in the right place today.



I truly believe that if I can do it, you can too!



If you don’t know me,


I'm Shawna Payne!

I am walking in purpose and living my dream as a Lifestyle and Business Success Coach. I have a career that fulfills me. I make a major difference in the lives of others through my global training and development company, The BOSS Essentials Academy. I love what I do, and I love teaching about it even more.


My spiritual calling is making sure that others can do work they are passionate about and be well paid for it. 




In the beginning, I had no idea how I would do this. 


Nothing is more frustrating than knowing what it is you want to do in the world... knowing what your calling is... but not knowing how to get paid for it.


There is nothing wrong with wanting to make an impact, while also making an income.


Luckily, I had a few things going for me... 


I was willing to invest in myself and my new business.

I was willing to receive guidance from those who had come before me.


If you desire to:


Find something that fulfills you and gives you the freedom to travel and work wherever and whenever you want, all while creating the lifestyle and schedule you've always desired


Live the life you dream of


Design a life and business you truly love

Fulfill you passions and walk in your purpose

Use your personal experience, story and knowledge to help others


Live in a state of purpose and flow

Shift your limiting beliefs around what you are capable of achieving

Make an impact AND make an income doing so...

…then I have something special for you.

It's time you step into your future, who you really are and become the most successful version of yourself!


The Official 6-Week, Group Coaching Program with Shawna, where I will help you launch your business, make an impact, create high-value products and services, attract the clients who want and need what you offer, and create the income you desire.


You'll get access to me, and my support over the next 6 weeks, to turn your dreams of building your profitable, purpose-filled business into a reality. I will share my best tips for making a profit by giving the world your God-given gifts and stepping into your life purpose. 

When you combine some business sense and online knowledge with what you love to do, your earning potential is limitless.

Are you ready?! 


I am ONLY opening up 10 spaces in my high-level, group coaching program, to ambitious women who are ready to up-level every single aspect of their life, business and lifestyle, STARTING NOW! Women who see coaching as an investment and place a high premium on getting expert guidance that will "shortcut" their success. Women who take action quickly and would rather do what it takes to achieve results now instead of wait for "someday".


What's Included...


MODULE 1: Unveil Your Life Purpose and Set Up Conditions for Inevitable Success {Value: $350}


MODULE 2: Makeover Your Money Mindset {Value: $350}


MODULE 3: How To Nail Your Niche and Incorporate Purpose Into the Foundation of Your Business — From the Beginning {Value: $550}


MODULE 4: Identify Your Ideal Clients and Your Unique Selling Proposition {Value: $550}


MODULE 5: Create Perfect Opt-Ins That Attract Clients To You {Value: $600}


MODULE 6: Turn Your Knowledge and Purpose Into High-Value Product or Service That Sells {Value: $600}

If you were to purchase each module separately, the cost would add up to over $3,000.


I priced it at a small fraction of that.

























The program includes some of my best business and marketing content on launching a business, building a brand and growing an online following + front row access to my own continuous process for success.

You'll also get access to:


  • A private Facebook Mastermind group of success-minded women to support you each day in the group {Value: $600}

  • We will also do a LIVE weekly, group coaching, where I will give you the step-by-step path for going from idea to income, so you can build your bankable business.

  • You will get my exact templates and workbooks for how I create my products and offers, and more, so you have everything you need to take massive action. 

With the knowledge you'll be learning in this program, my past students have launched programs priced at $2000-$5000!



How It Works...

June 7 - July 12th


  • When the enrollment doors close on June 4th, you will receive an email with a link to the Purpose to Profit FB group (I will accept all requests for the group on June 5th) + the program schedule.

  • The program officially begins June 7 - July 12th. 

  • Each LIVE weekly, group coaching session, will take place on Thursdays @8pm and last approximately 1-1.5 hours [You will receive live, group coaching from me during each session].

  • You will be emailed a new Module each week, as well as Action Steps to complete so you can set the foundation for your profitable business.






or 6 bi-weekly payments of only $148

Payment Options



Q: What If I’m Not A Coach? Is This Right For Me? 


A: Yes! Boss ladies from various industries including network marketing, beauty, graphic designers, virtual assistants and personal stylists and those of you who have a huge desire to make a difference in people’s lives by offering 1:1 or group programs and services will be able to use the trainings, scripts and templates provided in this program. Bottom line is this: I don't want you here if you don't want to be here. If you do not feel excited about this or called to it, please do not sign up. 


Q: I Have A Lot Going On Right Now, What If I Don’t Have A lot Of Time To Commit?


A: If you struggle with "following through" then know that's exactly why I created Turn Your Purpose Into Profit: The 6-Week Bootcamp! To be clear, the templates and scripts are going to cut your time of trying to figure it all out on your own. A module will be delivered each week, but is up to you if you do the homework in real time. My goal is not to burden you with another "program" but rather provide you an atmosphere of "positive peer pressure" that will aid you in your personal and professional goals. Think of it almost as a mastermind - a community that will hold you accountable with direct, regular coaching and support from me. Best of all, the content is priceless. You have this content for life. If you find yourself struggling on anything, you can get what you need from the group to pull through. Just being in the energy of the group will be transformational.


Q: What If I’m Not 100% Sure Of My Business Idea


A: I got you. This course is exactly what you need. We’re going to help you gain the tools you need to believe in yourself and launch your purpose-filled business with confidence. You’re going to discover your passion and purpose, and with that in mind, it will be easy for you to build a business because you know how you want to impact people’s lives. Launching a coaching or consulting business with high-ticket fees is a fast track to bringing in the money you desire, and creating the financial freedom to quit your job to run your business. You’re doing the right thing.


Q: Do You Offer A Payment Plan?


A: YES! I love payment plans. My #1 commitment is bringing the tools you need to be successful to you in an affordable way. Click here to check out with your payment plan and start learning how to launch your business and earn your first $5k while doing what you love.


Q: Can You Guarantee Specific Results? 

A: I love this course and I deeply believe in the principals in it. However, the results you get are up to you. Show up and do the work.


Q: What if I don’t like the course? Do you give refunds? 


A: No. Due to the nature of the course there will be no refunds given.


Q: Will the deadline be extended?


A: No extended deadline as I begin rolling out content/live calls on Thursday, June 7th and I want my founding members to all jump in at the same time! So if you want to join, you have until, Monday, June 4th at 11:59 EST to do so!

I don’t guarantee or warrant results or increased income. << My attorneys make me say that. 



More questions?  Email for help!

Make Your Dreams Of Building Your Profitable, Purpose-Filled Business A Reality!


Doors closing on June 4th at 11:59 EST

Price will be increasing to $999 after that.

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