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Package Your Signature Coaching Program

Package Your Signature Coaching Program


Struggling to create a signature coaching program? Then, this workbook is for you!

The #1 reason new and aspiring coaches fail to get the attention and sales they desire is because they launch products and services that simply aren’t compelling. In order to get people to not only buy from you, but to engage with your business and brand, you have to offer something that is compelling to them.


The two main factors to having a compelling business and brand are WHAT you offer and HOW you offer it.


This workbook is designed to help you come up with your first signature coaching program so you can create multiple streams of income for your business based on one program, save yourself the time and overwhelm of having to create custom coaching programs for each new client that you work with, and it will help you become known as the "go to" coach in your specific industry [which leads to more clients... more clients = more sales!].

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